Metabolomics Research leads to advanced healthcare

Metabolomics research is dedicated to transforming healthcare through a visionary approach that focuses on personalized medicine, early disease detection, precision nutrition, understanding disease mechanisms, promoting environmental health, embracing systems biology, and fostering technological advancements. Pursuing these goals has the potential to revolutionize healthcare, improve patient outcomes, and contribute to a healthier and more sustainable future.

Metabolomics in Opthalmology

The study of metabolomics shows promise in enhancing our comprehension of vision and eye-related ailments. This field sheds light on metabolic pathways, pinpoints biomarkers, accelerates drug development, and supports individualized approaches to vision care. With its potential to improve diagnostics, treatments, and preventive measures for ocular diseases, metabolomics could have a significant impact on the field of ophthalmology, beyond usual metabolomic systemic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases

Axon Regeneration will treat neurodevelopment disorders

 Metabolomics research is a valuable tool for exploring the metabolic processes involved in axon generation and nervous system development. Through the identification of key metabolites and understanding their roles in axon growth and guidance, researchers can gain valuable insights into the mechanisms that regulate neural development. This knowledge could lead to the identification of new targets for therapeutic interventions that could help treat neurodevelopmental disorders or nerve injuries. Diseases that disrupt neurovascular couplings such as stroke, aneurysms, and Alzheimer's disease will also benefit from this research.

Metabolic Biomarkers

Metabolomics can aid in the discovery of metabolite biomarkers that are indicative of ocular diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and cataracts as well as Stroke, Aneurysms, and Alzheimer's disease. Identifying specific metabolite patterns or changes in metabolic pathways can facilitate early disease detection, monitoring disease progression, and assessing treatment responses.

Efficacy and Safety of new drugs

The field of metabolomics has the potential to contribute to the development of advanced treatments for AD. By examining how the body metabolizes drugs, researchers can determine the efficacy and safety of potential remedies for AD.

Metabolomic Alteration 

Recent studies in metabolomics have uncovered significant metabolic changes in people with Alzheimer's disease. These changes affect a range of metabolic pathways, including energy metabolism (such as glucose metabolism and mitochondrial dysfunction), lipid metabolism (including alterations in cholesterol and phospholipid metabolism), amino acid metabolism, and pathways related to oxidative stress. Examining these metabolic alterations presents an opportunity to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying Alzheimer's disease, as well as identify promising targets for therapeutic intervention.

Alzheimer's Personalized Treatment

 Metabolomics holds immense promise in expanding our understanding of Alzheimer's disease. By pinpointing biomarkers, uncovering metabolic shifts, and offering causal explanations, it is a critical component in the development of personalized treatment plans, diagnostic aids, and preventative measures for AD

Collaborative Healthcare Research

MMRSG aims to support metabolomics research work at the grassroots level in the university research labs in South Florida. MMRSG is an NIH requirement for MIMRC to have community support for funding routine maintenance and activities vital to optimal everyday operations. It is also willing to support superior quality collaborative research on metabolomics anywhere.

Modern-day metabolomics is identifying and quantifying thousands of metabolites or small molecules in cells, tissue, and bodily fluids simultaneously. This requires high-end instruments. Such instruments' maintenance, operation, and upgrades are very difficult for researchers engaged in this area.

In 2020-2040, significant ailments will be experienced that are late in onset and progressive in nature. Synergistic analytical platforms and skilled scientists working in tandem with clinicians are likely to uncover such vistas. The scientific investigation needs tremendous support and MMRSG aims to plug such gaps.  

Synergistic analytical platforms, skilled scientists working in tandem with clinicians are likely to uncover such vistas. The scientific investigation needs tremendous support and MMRSG aims to plug such gaps.

Welcome to our Labs

Housed in McKnight Vision Research Building room 727, 1638 Northwest 10th Avenue and directed by Professor Sanjoy Bhattacharya.

Miami Integrative Metabolomics Research Center aims to identify therapeutic intervention strategies by unrevealing metabolic differences between control and disease states. 

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McKnight Building, 1638 NW 10th Ave. Suite 707A
Miami, FL






McKnight Building, 1638 NW 10th Ave. Suite 707A
Miami, FL, 33136, US


Miami Metabolomics Research Support Group (MMRSG) is an independent registered 501(C)(3) non-profit organization. Our primary aim is to generate funds for NIH & UM life science researchers and partners. Supporting  research by combining the strengths of professionals from multidisciplinary science with cutting-edge instruments and collaborative users.

© 2023 Appointment required to visit MIMRC Labs at address given above. Contact MMRSG